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Jewish Heritage In Italy



Led by Cantor Sarah Sager and Rabbi Josh Caruso

April 28-May 8, 2025

Day 1- Monday, April 28 – DEPARTURE FOR ITALY - Departure to Milan, Italy to begin our adventure in one of the most charming countries: landscapes that will take your breath away, rich history, beautiful art, delicious food and rich Jewish heritage. Italy's beauty is unparalleled.

Day 2 –Tuesday, April 29 – MILAN - Arrival in Milan Malpensa airport and meet Nir and your staff. Departure to Milan City for a panoramic city tour. Milan is the business hub of Italy and the fashion capital. It is home to some of the most famous Italian fashion houses including Giorgio Armani, Prada, Dolce and Gabbana Versace. Beneath this surface energy lays an old city with a deep history that extends back through renaissance, medieval and Roman times. Check into the hotel and enjoy a welcome Dinner. Overnight in Milan.
Dinner & overnight: Hotel Type TOCQ or similar

Day 3 –Wednesday, April 30 - MILANO –
our day will start at the Wall of the Dolls, an art installation designated to raise awareness of violence against women. We will then visit the Duomo (including entrance to the cathedral interior), we will visit Brera district, wander past fashionable stores and diverse architecture. We will learn about the history of the Sforza Castle, a medieval marvel dating back to the 15th century. Proceed to Binario 21 - The Shoah Memorial of Milan, located deep within the city’s Central Station. In the years 1943–1945, in this place, thousands of Jews and political opponents were loaded onto livestock cars, which were then lifted to the track level above and joined together into trains headed for death camps or concentration camps, both abroad and on Italian soil.
In the early afternoon, visit Modern Milan districts, the contemporary botanical gardens, see the space that houses over 100 plant species and enjoy the calming atmosphere. Next, explore the iconic Bosco Verticale buildings and study the architecture.
Evening: Opera show at La Scala
overnight: Hotel Type TOCQ or similar

Day 4 –Thursday, May 1 – CREMONA-VERONA -
Morning departure to Cremona, Capital of music from the Violin Museum to the Auditorium and UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. We will visit the violin museum that takes visitors through Cremona five-century history of violin making, the great masters and their violins. We will also visit a violin-making workshops. In the workshop we will learn how the masters make their instruments and you can discover all the details of the entire process.

In the early after we will proceed to Verona, the city of love and UNESCO heritage. It is famous throughout the world as the birthplace of Romeo and Juliet, but it also has much to offer. We will start our tour in Piazza Bra where we can admire the ancient walls of the Verona Arena, then we walk through Corso Porta Nuova, the shopping street of Verona, will take us to the discovery of Piazza Erbe. Visit the synagogue of Verona and meet local representative from the Jewish community. Proceed to Venice for overnight.
overnight: Hotel Carnival Palace – Venice Collection or similar


Day 5 –Friday, May 2 – VENICE - Full day dedicated to visits of Venice. For many, the most beautiful city in the world. In the morning we will visit the Jewish Quarter - Europe's first Ghetto. We will visit the Jewish museum, one of the most important Jewish museums in Italy in terms of the richness and quality of its collections. We will then proceed to Venice visit St. Mark's square. On the square are the Museo Correr, the Archaeological Museum, Torre dell'Orologio and the St. Mark's Basilica and the adjacent Dodge's Palace.

We will also see the famous bridges of Venice. The Ponte dei Sospiri - the Bridge of Sighs - was built in the 17th century. The purpose of this bridge was to connect the Doge's Palace with the new prison that was built on the other side of the canal. About halfway along the Grand Canal is the famous Rialto Bridge. This covered pedestrian bridge has many shops where you can buy your souvenirs. Back to hotel in late afternoon. Shabbat dinner & overnight: Hotel Carnival Palace – Venice Collection or similar

Day 6 – Shabbat, May 3 – FERRARA-BOLOGNA-MONTECATINI – Morning departure to Ferrara. Visit the MEIS - National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah. The permanent exhibition of the MEIS, which is periodically integrated and renewed, tells the story and experience of the Jews in Italy from the first evidence in ancient Rome, the exhibition leads to the Renaissance and the cultural blossoming of Italy.

Proceed to Bologna - a city with many souls, in which history, modernity, tradition, culture and food and wine have coexisted for centuries. The statue of Neptune, known as the Giant, surrounded by some of the most significant buildings in Bologna: The Palazzo di Re Enzo and the Gothic wing of the Palazzo Comunale. Nearby is the famous Piazza Maggiore, the true heart of the city and the nerve center of social life.

We will then by ably to enjoy an ice-cream workshop where we will learn how to make a fruit sorbet, following a recipe, and produce it in the laboratory. At the end of the activity, comparative tasting of the gelato produced. (The activity is subject to 2025 schedule which wasn't yet published). Proceed to Montecatini. Dinner on own. Overnight: hotel Belvedere Palace or similar

Day 7 –Sunday, May 4 – FLORENCE - Full day dedicated to Florence the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance. Walking through the streets of the old Center of the city we will see beautiful historical buildings, palaces, museums, churches and gardens. We will admire the Baptistery, the Duomo-Cathedral, Dante's home, Bargello Palace and Piazza della Signoria. The sight of Palazzo Vecchio, a remarkable example of civil architecture - an open air museum with various masterpieces including the copy of Michelangelo's David. We will then continue to Uffizi Gallery for a guided visit of the museum.

In the afternoon we will walk to the Arno River, we will walk towards Ponte Vecchio and its gold jewelry shops and we will see part of the other side of the river.

Our tour will end with a visit of the Jewish museum and synagogue with its superb collection of artistic Jewish ceremonial items and offering breathtaking views of the synagogue itself and the roofs of Florence. Back to hotel in Montecatini for overnight.


Day 8 –Monday, May 5 – LIVORNO-PISA-LUCCA - Morning departure to Livorno. In no Italian city did the Jews play such a role, and they were never forced to live in a ghetto. They were the true founders of Livorno and the architects of its splendor We will visit the synagogue built in modern style in 1962, it stands on the site of a grand seventeenth-century temple, demolished following an Allied bombing in the Second
World War. The project conceived by architect Angelo di Castro is rich in symbolic meaning.
We will then. proceed to Pisa one of the most popular cities in Italy, mainly because of its famous monument, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Piazza dei Miracoli and the other beautiful monuments surrounding it, are definitely must-see attractions.
The Jewish nucleus in the area of Pisa is probably the oldest in Tuscany. We will visit the Jewish Cemetery and the Synagogue, recently renovated with an important intervention completed in 2015, is located in a 14th century building converted into a place of cult in 1595. They are symbolic buildings and the beating heart of local Jewish life.
In the afternoon, we will arrive in Lucca. After a short visit of the historic center, we will enjoy a local cooking class. Cooking, drinking and eating together, in a cozy non formal atmosphere, hosted by an Israeli-Italian couple. In the evening, back to Montecatini for overnight.

Day 9 –Tuesday, May 6 - CHIANTI AREA-SIENA-ROME - Morning departure to the Via Chiantigiana, a magnificent road that extends over 70 km, revealing the fascinating world of one of the largest wine-growing areas in Southern Europe. The rolling hills of the Tuscan hinterland offer idyllic villages will enable us to enjoy the magnificent scenery. In addition to vineyards, there are also olive groves and picturesque forests to admire. We will visit a local vineyard and will taste the local wines. Proceed to Siena - a city that was one of the most important economic and cultural centers of the Italian Middle Ages, whose historic center was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We will visit all the symbolic places of Siena- Basilica of San Domenico, we will then follow the path of the the road axis hosting the most important buildings and monuments, among them: the headquarters of Monte dei Paschi, the oldest bank in Europe and the Palazzo Tolomei, Palazzo Chigi Saracini and seat of the Academy. We will visit Siena Cathedral, a jewel of Gothic architecture and a casket that contains the famous works of Michelangelo, Donatello and Bernini. If possible, we will go up to the rooftop of the cathedral for a breathtaking view over the city. In the end of the visit, proceed to Rome. UNAWAY hotel Empire Palace Or similar.

Day 10 –Wednesday, May 7 – ROME - Full day dedicated to the Eternal City’s most important attractions. We will learn all about the lives of the ancient Romans in the Roman Forum and Colosseum - how they lived and worked, how they worshipped, and how they were entertained by bloody gladiator spectacles. We will visit the Church of St. Peter in Chains (San Pietro in Vincoli) houses the chains that bound Saint Peter when the Romans imprisoned him in Jerusalem. The church today is also home to Michelangelo’s Moses, part of the unfinished monumental tomb of Pope Julius II. We will then take a relaxing stroll through the historic city
center, visiting the piazza of the impressive Pantheon, Trevi Fountain and Piazza Navona.
In the afternoon, visit underneath Rome’s ancient streets on a tour of the Jewish catacombs. We will explore the Vigna Randanini catacombs, one of only two Jewish catacombs in the city that are open to visitors. We will learn about their interesting history, how they differ from the Christian and pagan tomb and we will see the mortuaries and burial chambers along the narrow walkways.
Our last visit for this day will be the Jewish museum. This museum records the history of this vibrant community displaying precious textiles, manuscripts and silver. One section is dedicated to the Nazi occupation of Rome. Unaway Empire Palace hotel or similar.


Day 11 –Thursday, May 8 – TIVOLI - This morning we will see the highlights of the Vatican, from magnificent St. Peter’s Basilica to the masterpieces of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel.

In the afternoon we will drive to Tivoli, world famous for its two wonderful historical villas. We will visit the 16th-century Villa d’Este and its magnificent Renaissance gardens and fountains give a unique insight into the refined culture of Italy’s golden age. In the evening farewell dinner with music.

Day 12 – Friday, May 9 -
Morning transfer to Rome airport and flight to the U.S.


YES! I want to join the

Led by Cantor Sarah Sager and Rabbi Josh Caruso
April 28-May 8, 2025

Please choose the quantity of participants to join the tour:

Registration Form - 1 Participant



Traveler 1:


I would like:

If you need a roommate, we will attempt to find one for you. If we are unable to find you a roommate, then you will be responsible for paying the additional single supplement cost.

Thanks for submitting!

Registration Form - 2 Participants



Traveler 1:

Traveler 2:

* Passport must be valid 6 months beyond the date of travel
* Physical limitations – Please describe anything that might be concern and require special attention


I would like:

If you need a roommate, we will attempt to find one for you. If we are unable to find you a roommate, then you will be responsible for paying the additional single supplement cost.

Thanks for submitting!

Terms and Conditions:


Group ticketing will be available if at least 10 people will want to fly with us. Group fares require a minimum number of participants and offer the convenience of the group being able to travel together.

Seat assignments for groups are allocated by the airline upon check-in and we have no direct control over them. When using group fares – the airline allocates a block of seats for the group, so the group members can sit together, and does the seat allocation within that block.

If you have any specific requirements we will be happy to inform the airline with the hope that the request will be fulfilled.

Tour pricing Land & Air:

$ 5,295 per person in double occupancy land only (minimum 20 participants)/$6,885 Land+Air
per person in a single room occupancy land only (min. 20 participants)/$7,674 Land+Air


* The cost includes hotel overnights, site and activities entrance fees as per itinerary, Daily reach breakfast, 3 dinners, Luxurious Bus, English speaking local guide, tour educator, Gratuities (driver & guide)

Flights Price & Info
• International Flight: for at list 10 people at the price of $1,490 – see flights details below.

UA 1673 28APR CLE ORD 0550P 0628P 28APR
UA 416 28APR ORD MXP 0930P 0120P 29APR
UA 885 09MAY FCO IAD 1030A 0240P 09MAY
UA 2241 09MAY IAD CLE 0515P 0636P 09MAY
Group fares require a minimum 10 participants and offer the convenience of the group being able to travel together. Seat assignments for groups are allocated by the airline upon check-in and we have no direct control over them. When using group fares – the airline allocates a block of seats for the group, so the group members can sit together, and does the seat allocation within that block. If you have any specific requirements, we will be happy to inform the airline with the hope that the request will be fulfilled.

Terms of Payment:

• $ 500 per person are due upon registration
• $ 2,000 per person by October 15, 2024
• $ 2,000 per person by January 15, 2025
• The remainder – by March 1, 2025


Method of payment:

Please pay by personal check, wire transfer or credit card (subject to surcharge, see form below).
All payments are payable to:

Nitzan Travel Services LTD.
10 Bialik street, Gedera 70700, Israel

Wire transfer instructions:

Bank – Hapoalim 
Branch 646
Account # 402633
Bank Hapoalim B.M.  IL270126460000000402633
BANK ADRESS = Biluim street, Gedera 70700, Israel



You must take out comprehensive insurance coverage before travel for cancellation, medical expenses, loss of personal baggage, and money.
This should be arranged not later than one week after purchasing the ticket.


Travel insurance may be bought in the US through:
TRAVELAND, 878 Bridgeport Ave. Shelton CT 06484, Mr. Eitan Battat, at:  
1-800-246-0466 Ext. 223, 1-203-814-3535 – Direct or 203-929-6000 Ext 223

Other Travel Insurance Companies in the U.S:
Access America (804) 285-3300 0r (800) 284-8300, 
Travel Guard International (800) 826-1300, 
Also check with AAA or American express.


Nitzan Travel Services LTD. or their agents, act only as agents for the passengers in all matters connected with hotel accommodations, sight-seeing tours and transportation, whether by air, cruise, motor coach, motor vehicle, and any other means of conveyance, and shall not be responsible or liable for any injury, loss, accident, delay or irregularity or incident resulting from strikes, pilferage, labor disputes, machinery breakdown, quarantine, weather, government regulation, or any other cause beyond their control; nor shall they be responsible for any damage or loss of luggage for any reason during the course of the trip, or act or omission of any individual or organization providing the transportation, services, or accommodations in connection with these arrangements, nor for any delay or expense incurred due to disruption or revision of schedules, nor for any cause beyond its own control.


The right is reserved to the above to withdraw a tour, or decline to accept or retain any person as a member of a tour at any time should such person’s health or general deportment impede the operation of the tour to the detriment of the other tour passengers, or make changes in the published itinerary whenever in their sole time at their discretion to cancel any tour or the remainder thereof or make any alternation in route, accommodation, price, or other details, and in the event of any tour being rendered impossible, illegal, or inadvisable by weather, avalanches, strike, war, governmental interference, or any other cause whatsoever, the extra expenses incurred as a result, thereof shall be your sole responsibility. All prices are based on tariffs and exchange rates in effect on the day of registration and are subject to change in the event of an adjustment therein.



Nitzan Israel Travel Services LTD. thereafter known as the Tour Operators, reserve the right to cancel any tour before departure in which even the entire payment will be refunded without further obligation to the tour members. Infrequently, unexpected and unforeseen local conditions beyond control can prevent the completion of an itinerary or necessitate alterations in the itinerary. Such local conditions include inclement seasonal variations in climate, changing in airline schedules and equipment, government appropriation of hotel space, labor strikes, civil disturbances or political unrest, etc., events that are beyond the Tour Operator control, and will jeopardize the travelers' comfort, safety, health and enjoyment. In these events the Tour Operator reserves the right to alter or curtail the itinerary as is deemed necessary. The Tour Operator will endeavor, in each case to provide comparable substitute or effect refunds. Any savings realized for these changes will be passed to the traveler and any resultant expanses borne by the traveler. Accidents in route may require you to miss part of your return to the U.S. WE STRONGLY ADVISE YOU TO HAVE COMPREHENSIVE TRAVEL INSURANCE (medical, accident, baggage, trip cancellation etc.). As a convenience the Tour Operator or your Travel Agent will supply you with application upon receipt of your reservation. If costs do fluctuate due to circumstances beyond our control, we reserve the right to alter our quoted price to you.

Acceptance of any travel plan shall be deemed to constitute acceptance of this limitation of responsibility.

The person making any booking will, by the making of such booking, warrant that he or she has authority to enter into a contract on behalf of the other person/s included in such a booking and in the event of the failure of any or all of the other person/s so included to make payment, the person making the booking shall by his/her signature thereof assume personal liability for the total price of all bookings made by him/her.

For and in consideration of the tour services by Nitzan Israel Travel Services LTD. (hereafter "Tour Operators"), I hereby release and hold harmless Tour Operators and any of their agents or assigns from any and all claims arising out of their ordinary negligence for any and all risks inherent in the tour and/or inherent in transit to or from the tour destinations described herein.

I/We accept all responsibility for any and all costs arising out of treatment for injuries or damages suffered while taking part in the tour.

Any and all claims or disputes between the parties hereto shall be resolved in the courts of Israel and under Israeli law.

I give Nitzan Travel Services LTD. the right to use any photograph or video recording which includes my image or any audio recording which includes my voice, taken on the trip, unless otherwise indicated by checking this box.

I have read and fully understand the terms and conditions of this agreement.

Thanks for submitting!

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